Garden World’s annual Spring Festival hosts the Garden Design Show – a spectacular showcase of designer and school gardens that each represent their own interpretation of  “Gardens Through the Eyes of a Child”,  under the overarching theme of “A Sense of Place”.

In the July holiday, the teachers of Smallways Nursery School, together with the talented Belinda (a Giraffe parent), worked a miracle ! In just ONE day the dedicated Smallways team managed to transform a drab, empty space into “A Sense of Place” – a magical oasis of the senses with strong African influences!









The team incorporated design elements hand-made by each of the Smallways classes – from the toddlers right through to the Grade R’s – with a focus on using recycled materials.
Each child painted a brick paver oftheir class’s animal, which served to pave the way for this magical African journey of the senses.

The Smallways team chose to represent the different senses with a variety of carefully chosen plants and flowers that appealed to each particular sense. Our garden became something that was not only to be appreciated visually, but experienced physically through all the senses. A theme that has a strong presence in Smallways Nursery’s teaching and learning. Other themes with strong influences at our school, such as friendship, love and passion, became brightly coloured stepping stones – a huge thanks to Le-Anne for depicting these beautiful and incredibly important values for all to see!


So it was with great pride that the Smallways team received the “Water Wise Children’s Garden Award” for 2018 at the Opening Launch of Garden World’s Annual Spring Festival on the 27th July.  Their hard work and dedication paid off!

The festival is open to the public for viewing until the 2nd of September 2018.  Garden World is a magical evergreen gardening destination with something for the whole family!  Bring the family and make a day of it by showing your support!