Teaching philosophy

➢ We believe in dialogue not merely teacher directed monologue when exploring themes together.
➢ Discussing thoughts and ideas on topics and then providing the children with the means of proving or disproving their theories to come up with answers on their own in exciting and interesting ways; to do this we bring in science, art and observation.
➢ We are involved and completely present in the discovering and exploring of themes, thoughts and ideas with the children. We act as a partner walking hand in hand with the child rather than merely leading them.
➢ We are continuously aware of our interactions and producing a setting that is inspiring for the children and for the teachers, thus creating a stimulating environment and beginning the journey to a lifelong love of learning.
➢ Children encounter a topic a few times, in different ways, in order to fully take it in and we strongly believe in a holistic method of teaching. Using sensory rich materials thus opting for natural products in our creative projects, theme tables and as toys; Natural products such as wood, shells, pine cones and flowers have an inspiring quality and are used in many different ways by the children, this encourages them to use their imaginations and develops thinking and problem solving skills.
➢ Movement is incorporated into our daily lessons through exercises, stretching, balance games, obstacle courses, balls/bean bag skills and during our outside time. Outdoor play is essential for a child’s development and children here are able to run freely on the playground and explore the spaces offered to them.
➢ Creating a happy, loving and safe environment in which learning through play and fun is our priority.

Rhino Class (9 Months – 2 Years)

Teacher Lorraine

Zebra Class (2-3 Years)

Teacher Gugu

Teacher Melanie

Elephant Class (3-4 Years)

Teacher Janine

Teacher Vi

Giraffe Class (4-5 Years)

Teacher Andrea

Lion Class (5-6 Years / Grade R)

Teacher Idene

Kitchen Staff

Teacher Phumzile